
Sean Driver
Personal Trainer

Unit 5/2 Statham Street
Bennetts Green
M: 0437 778 799


Elite Health Supplements

Newcastle, Charlestown, Bennetts Green &


Why hire a qualified personal trainer?

Health and fitness are among the trendier topics of the day and people are spending more money than ever to achieve them. One question is whether the investment is worth the money. If you have specific fitness goals that you are not reaching on your own or lack motivation and guidance, a personal trainer will be well worth the investment.

We generally don't try to provide our own medical care, handle our own legal matters, or repair our own cars. Unless we are uniquely qualified, we hire professionals to do those things for us. Hiring a personal trainer is no different.

• Faster results
• Weight Loss (fat loss)
• Improved strength and conditioning
• Lost kilos and centimetres
• Improved posture
• Better eating and nutrition
• Mental clarity
• Sounder sleep  
• Improved/Increased sex drive
• Improved stamina
• Improved self-esteem
• Improved quality of life
• Improved flexibility
• Improved mobility
• Enhanced sports performance
• Many, many others



You are never too unfit, overweight, or old to start a personal training program. I as your personal trainer am qualified and very experienced. We train a diverse range of the population from children and the elderly to athletes. Your personal trainer will be with you every step of the way, ensuring you get the best results out of every session.

SMD health and fitness looks at your current fitness levels, your injuries and illnesses, past exercise history, likes and dislikes, your motivation, and other lifestyle factors that makes a different between success and failure.

To keep it fun it is important to mix it up and thats exactly what we do by involving boxing, free weights, medicine balls, swiss balls, cardio machines, beach runs, group classes and much much more As you progress, so will your program so you will never have to worry about getting bored or disliking your session. We will make health and fitness an enjoyable and successful fun part of your life.

If you are not motivated your personal trainer is here to motivate you. Targeting the NEWCASTLE, CHARLESTOWN & MAITLAND area.

Your personal trainer will make sure you do the last two reps you'd never do on your own, congratulate you on your fastest time, and answer all your questions.

For  further  information regarding pricing click here or alternatively contact 
Sean on 0437 778 799 or email